Membership Benefits
ATI is a welcoming organization. You can join one of three membership categories: Teaching, Trainee, or General. Membership entitles you to vote on ATI business and be part of a supportive international community.
ATI Teaching Members
- Professional Profile listing and page on the ATI website in the Directory and on the ATI Google Map.
- Advertisement of workshops on the ATI website calendar and on social media
- ATI member email list in order to directly promote workshops and events to all opted-in ATI members;
- Membership in a lively, inclusive and supportive international community;
- ATI’s professional journal ExChange;
- Ability to teach an online class during Awareness Month
- Participation in the Marketing Pilot Project
- Notification of ongoing events and news by email;
- Access to members-only pages and online forums;
- Attendance at Social Hours
- Discounted ABMP liability insurance rates for US Members;
- Eligibility for ISMETA liability insurance (US, Canada, and European Union);
- ATI members who also are members of ISMETA receive a $20 discount off their ATI membership
ATI Trainee Members
- Trainee membership fees waived;
- Discounted registration fees for the ATI Annual Conference;
- Opportunity to be an ATI Annual Conference assistant which includes a stipend;
- Membership in a lively, inclusive and supportive international community;
- ATI’s professional journal ExChange;
- Attendance at Social Hour
- Participation in the Marketing Pilot Project
- Access to member-only pages and online forums;
- Notification of ongoing events and news by email.
General Members
General Membership is for advocates and supporters of Alexander’s work who enjoy the sense of community and wish to be a part of ATI’s Vision. General Members can volunteer to fill important roles in the organization like any other member and are welcome to all events.
- Voting rights equal to that of Teachers and Trainees;
- Membership in a lively, inclusive and supportive international community;
- Notification of events and news;
- ATI’s professional journal ExChange;
- Access to members-only pages and online forum.
Lifetime and Honorary Membership
Lifetime Membership is awarded to those members who have made exceptional contributions to ATI and to the Alexander Technique teaching profession. They are selected by members and approved by the board.
Honorary Membership is awarded to those outside the ATI community who ATI wishes to recognize for their contributions to advancing the Alexander Technique teaching profession.
For more information about the ATI member fee structure, click here.