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Hypermobility and EDS for Alexander Technique Teachers - Online Workshop
Saturday, January 18, 2025, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST
Category: Professional Level Workshops

Hypermobility and EDS for Alexander Technique Teachers - Online Workshop


Ann Rodiger

Date of the Event/Workshop: Saturday, January 18, 2025

2pm-5pm Eastern

Location of the Event/Workshop: Zoom

Brief Description of Event: 

Working with individuals with hypermobility as Alexander Technique Teachers requires special consideration and awareness. This workshop provides information for Alexander Technique Teachers to understand the full spectrum of hypermobility including Ehlers Danlos Syndromes (EDS). We will learn to work with those living with hypermobility and present concepts and a vocabulary that guides the student toward self agency.

In this workshop you will learn:

  • What hypermobility and EDS are.
  • How to recognize hypermobility in your students.
  • Helpful dialogue skills for working with hypermobile students.
  • Nuanced approach to teaching hands-on work.
  • Helpful resources for yourself and your students.

This online workshop will be led by Ann Rodiger, Founder & Director of the Balance Arts Center in NYC who lives with EDS. Please bring your questions and experiences of working with this population to the workshop. Workshop Fee: $100

Learn more and register at: balanceartscenter.com/class


For full workshop details, workshop updates and any changes to date or venue please visit the event’s website. This workshop can be used to fulfill ATI continuing education requirements.
ATI is happy to post information about member-hosted workshops and other events as a service to our members; however, we need to clarify that these events are offered independently of ATI and any liability falls on the event hosts and not on ATI. But we hope the issue of liability never arises and that all attendees have a wonderful time!